Second Trimester Wrap Up

You know the old saying "Time flies when you're having fun"? Well, that pretty much sums up how I feel about my second trimester, which is now officially coming to an end.

Like most women, I loved my second trimester. It's the perfect point in pregnancy when everything seems to come together. At the start of the trimester, you've overcome most fears of morning sickness and miscarriage. About six weeks later, you have your big ultrasound and can usually find out if you're having a boy or girl (assuming you want to know). And then, toward the end of your second trimester, you can start to feel and even see the baby move! This is definitely the best part of pregnancy, it's also my new favorite hobby.

The second trimester is also nice because you actually start looking like you're pregnant. Sometimes I felt frustrated during my first trimester because I had all the symptoms of being pregnant, but nothing really to show for it. People knew I was pregnant only because I told them.

Now, words are no longer needed.

I think it's interesting to see how people react when they see a pregnant woman. I can literally feel people staring at me. Sometimes it's uncomfortable, but I don't take offense because I usually do the same thing when I see a pregnant woman. Let's face it, women with big bellies are fascinating! In fact, most times these stares lead to really nice gestures like big smiles, opened doors, and additional help whenever I need it. This is another part of pregnancy I'm definitely going to miss :)

The only thing I'm not going to miss is this horrible heartburn/indigestion. It's a symptom many pregnant women have as the baby gets bigger. My stomach simply doesn't have enough room to digest food properly which results in a deep, burning sensation. As a result, I pop a few tums about five times a day, and the problem is put on hold. It's annoying, but it's also a small price to pay when you think about the little life that's developing inside you.

As we speak, that little life feels like he's already trying to make his way out. Hang on, we have 12 more weeks to go buddy. Yeah, we'll need to work on that whole "patience" thing.
He gets that from his mom.