First Trimester Wrap Up

I've been waiting for this moment for awhile.

The first trimester is a very exciting time for new parents, but it's also the time when most women experience the most discomfort, that is, until your uterus grows to the size of a basketball! Thankfully, I've got at least one more trimester before that happens.

Since we're closing the first chapter of this unbelievable journey, I thought I'd reflect back on the past 12 weeks and all the incredible things that have been happening.

First of all, let me just say... I find this whole process absolutely amazing. I guess I've never really given my body much credit in the past. It seems like I'm always looking for ways to improve it. But now, I'm just astounded by its ability to sustain one life while growing another. Every week, I check the various websites to see how the baby is progressing.

FYI: This week the baby is the size of a peach. It's now forming teeth and vocal cords and its body is now becoming more proportionate. Its head is now only one third the size of its body, and intestines are in the process of moving from the umbilical cord to baby's tummy -- much more convenient.

Getting to be the size of a peach obviously didn't happen overnight, and the baby's growing pains also resulted in some pains of my own. Here are some of my badges of honor...

Nausea: Well, duh! Doesn't this happen to most pregnant women? I had a couple weeks (weeks 7-8) where I could do nothing but focus on keeping my lunch in my stomach. But for the most part, the nausea has been very mild.

Sore Boobs: These puppies are killing me! They should be avoided like a hot stove... seriously, the slightest touch turns me into that chick from the exorcist.

Great Skin: I'm not sure if it's the extra water I've been drinking, the prenatal vitamins or the slathering of cocoa butter I've been spreading all over my body... but my skin is absolutely fabulous. I defintely have that pregnancy glow :)

Less Energy: If I'm expected to stay up past 8pm, then I have to nap. It's that simple. Although, I'm still working out (and plan to do so throughout the pregnancy), so I'm sure that's having some impact on me.

Smell/Taste Aversions: Forget the tuna and peanut butter sandwich cravings. The only weird thing about my diet are these crazy aversions to food I have loved my entire life. The other day I actually ordered fish at a steak house! I don't even like fish. Oh, and I've apparently acquired the nose of a dog because I can smell EVERYTHING. It's like a super human power.

Potty Breaks: You know it's bad when you start seaching for restrooms the moment you walk into a store... just in case of an emergency. I used to be one of those people who could go to sleep and wake up in the morning in the exact same position... but these frequent bathroom trips in the middle of the night seem to be hurting my batting average- and my beauty sleep.

And those are just the highlights. I could get much more personal, but that would be awkward (as if explaining my bathroom schedule wasn't awkward enough).

The good news is we're now out of the danger zone when it comes to pregnancy complications. Also, most of those less-than-desirable symptoms should soon be fading away... kinda like my ability to look down and see my feet, which is becoming more and more challenging everyday.