Photoshop: Using Filters
This was probably my most challenging Photoshop project to date. Our assignment was to create a CD cover and back while experimenting with filters. I'm going to sound like a complete geek when I say this, but completely distorting images by applying crazy filters is a lot of fun. It's almost as fun as changing your voice by appyling audio filters in Garageband. If you haven't tried that yet, I highly recommend it.
What made this project challenging (besides coming up with a good concept) was applying enough filters to complete the assignment, but not making them so crazy that they detract from the overall design. The video equivalent would be applying crazy transitions every time you have a scene change. If you don't do it right, it just looks amateur.
For my theme, I decided to appeal to pregnant women who might need a little extra rest and relaxation. I guess you could say this is a case of art imitating life... or is it life imitating art?
The Cover
The Back
By the way, I just registered to take an advanced Photoshop class being offered online this summer. Technically, the class ends August 2nd, which is about a week after my due date. I'm hoping the instructor lets me complete some assignments early. I doubt I'll be in the mood for Photoshop with a newborn crying in the background. Although, having this CD might help :)