The BIG Ultrasound!

There are certain things you dream about when you're a little girl. At the top of that list are your future children. First, you say how many you want, then how many boys versus girls... and finally, you list your favorite names.

I've always wanted at least one of each, a boy and a girl. Preferably in that order.

As you grow older, your list starts to evolve. You realize how precious life really is, and you begin praying for more selfless things... like the health of your baby.

All these thoughts were racing through my mind today during our BIG ultrasound. Please God, let there be five fingers and five toes. Please let the baby's heartbeat be normal and its brain be functioning well.

And God, if it's not too much to ask, can you please give us a healthy baby, that's also a boy?

That would be perfect.