Posts tagged Pregnancy
Urban's Birth Story


Giving birth to my first son, Sayer, was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I had a 14 hour labor, and most of that time I wasn't even in pain because I had a fantastic epidural. I truly enjoyed my son's birth. So, you could imagine my shock when less than two weeks after giving birth, a doctor was recommending I never have another vaginal birth. As it turns out, I had some complications during the birth that I was unaware of at the time. It wasn't until the epidural wore off that I knew anything was wrong. And while doctors can't force you to ever have a cesarean, they strongly recommended it.

I was hoping this was all a bad dream. I felt like I had this incredible birth and almost in the same moment, someone was trying to take that away from me and my future children. I cried for three days. And I cried sporadically for months after that every time I thought of having another baby.

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