Posts tagged UrbanGault
Urban's Birth Story


Giving birth to my first son, Sayer, was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I had a 14 hour labor, and most of that time I wasn't even in pain because I had a fantastic epidural. I truly enjoyed my son's birth. So, you could imagine my shock when less than two weeks after giving birth, a doctor was recommending I never have another vaginal birth. As it turns out, I had some complications during the birth that I was unaware of at the time. It wasn't until the epidural wore off that I knew anything was wrong. And while doctors can't force you to ever have a cesarean, they strongly recommended it.

I was hoping this was all a bad dream. I felt like I had this incredible birth and almost in the same moment, someone was trying to take that away from me and my future children. I cried for three days. And I cried sporadically for months after that every time I thought of having another baby.

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Birthdays: A Whole New Perspective When Pregnant

Today is my birthday. I'm now 34 years old, which is strange because I don't feel a day over 33.

Seriously though, everyone keeps asking me what I'm going to do on my special day, and to tell you the truth, I really haven't thought about it much. I guess that's what happens as you get older, you start thinking more of other people and less of yourself. In fact, I've already accomplished the most important task on my plate today, which is calling my mother.

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The Gender Dilemma

When you become pregnant, you learn about several unwritten rules you're not privy to when childless. Apparently, these rules are supposed to be as innate as your "motherly instinct", which ironically I have yet to discover. 

And so today, I'm spilling the beans. Consider this your spoiler alert, if you've never been pregnant.

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