Birthdays: A Whole New Perspective When Pregnant

Today is my birthday. I'm now 34 years old, which is strange because I don't feel a day over 33.

Seriously though, everyone keeps asking me what I'm going to do on my special day, and to tell you the truth, I really haven't thought about it much. I guess that's what happens as you get older, you start thinking more of other people and less of yourself. In fact, I've already accomplished the most important task on my plate today, which is calling my mother.

For as long as I can remember, I would call my mother at my exact birth time, 11:02am. Even at an early age, I thought it was more important to focus on the woman who gave birth to me. After all, she did all the work, right? My mom was in labor for four hours with me, without any medication. Today she reminded me of how (to this day) it is still considered the most painful experience of her life. She's then quick to assure me it was all worth it and how appreciative both my parents are of the woman I have become. It's actually very sweet and usually results in a few tears. It's a great way to start your birthday. And it really is the beginning of the day, considering I was born on east coast time, but live on the west coast. So, I'm actually calling my mother at 8:02am.

Yes, we are THAT hard core.  I call my mother every year, and that will never change. Yet, today feels different.


When I was pregnant with my first son, Sayer, I was only three months pregnant on my birthday. My husband and I were super excited about the pregnancy, but to tell you the truth, I really didn't feel a close bond with my son yet. After all, I had seen the ultrasound pics and heard the heartbeat, but I had yet to feel him kick, hiccup or do the million other things a growing baby does inside his mother's belly. Fast forward two years and it's an entirely different story. Sayer is now 18 months old and I'm seven months pregnant with my second son, Urban. Suddenly, birthdays take on a whole new meaning.

While I still reflect on the sacrifice my mother made 34 years ago, my mind tends to focus on my boys. For Sayer, I remember the moment I first knew I was experiencing early labor. I remember feeling so relieved after the anesthesiologist gave me my epidural (I later referred to him as "my best friend"). And most importantly, I remember watching in the mirror as this little miracle emerged from my body and was brought to my chest. And while Urban's birth has yet to unfold, I'm sitting here just imagining what it will be like. We're having him via c-section, so his story will definitely be different, but just as special. With every little move he makes, I find myself wondering what type of man he will become. And it all starts with having a birthday.

While the details of this special day are still unknown, I actually know the date. Today at my OB/GYN appointment, we scheduled my c-section for Monday, April 23rd. So that's the day I'll officially meet my new little man (barring any type of complication, of course). I learned my son's birthday on my own birthday, isn't that something?

Again, an entirely new perspective.