Childbirth (the whole enchilada)...

I had no idea how involved the whole process of childbirth could actually be... especially for new parents. So, it's a good thing Ryan and I signed up for a weekend crash course in the subject.

I had heard mixed reviews about these types of classes. Mainly that they weren't really worth your time because they pretty much just state the obvious. And let's face it... most of us already know the basics. Our parents taught us that when they sat us down to discuss the proverbial "birds and the bees". However, I doubt your parents ever got this deep....

As with most things in life... the more you know about a particular topic, the more comfortable you feel. So, it only makes sense to get a quick preview of what is likely to become the most important day of your life.

In our case, our childbirth class at Palomar Medical Center was not only a great prep course, but it also served as an important dress rehearsal for the big day. We mapped out our route to the hospital and determine the best place to park (including after hours). Then, we toured the hospital for the first time, which included a stop in both the private delivery rooms as well as the recovery rooms. We were even able to pre-register for the big day.

And all that was really a bonus! The material covered in class was also extremely helpful. It's what I like to call "the whole enchilada".  It's packed with lots of good "stuff"... and yes, at times it can get a little messy. Especially some of the videos... so eat a light lunch :)

Really nothing is off limits in these classes, which is great. Most of the couples are first-time parents, so we're all asking the same silly questions when it comes to labor and delivery. Common topics of discussion include pregnancy comforts/discomforts, stages/phases of labor, comfort techniques, hospital procedures and caring for a newborn. For Ryan and I, these topics were a great starting point for discussions outside the classroom. Believe it or not, deciding what is best for your family and comparing that to what your OB and hospital want for you, can be overwhelming. There are many choices to make, and having a partner to share that responsibility is extremely helpful.

It definitely made us stronger in the end. And Lord knows... I need all the strength I can get come D-Day.

Our Childbirth Class at Palomar Medical Center