Maternity Photos: Just the Three of Us

Ryan and I had a lot of fun taking our own DIY Maternity Photos last month. However, I wanted to make sure we had some photos with just the three of us. And despite our best efforts, setting our digital camera on a tripod and adjusting the auto-timer didn't work as well as we hoped.

I also wanted to get some more intimate photos taken... and I wasn't about to bare it all at the beach.

Thanks to Jessi Dapice, an up-and-coming photographer, we were able to get the exact photos we wanted. Jessi's home studio was perfect because it provided a nice, casual environment where both Ryan and I could feel comfortable. Plus, it was only a few miles from our house, so we really couldn't beat the commute.

The prep for the photo shoot, Jessi and I both looked for maternity photos online that we liked. Then, we printed the photos and tried to re-create them as best we could. The results were absolutely amazing.

The photos are artistic, real and capture the love and admiration Ryan and I already feel for our unborn son. Plus, we were able to keep all our digital prints while paying a fraction of the price of what maternity and newborn photographers typically charge.

Much thanks to Jessi (and my husband) for their ingenuity and patience in preserving these memories.

View more photos here.