The Final Countdown!

I looked at the calendar today... and realized the countdown to D-Day (Delivery Day) has officially begun. We now have one month, which means I'll be referring to my pregnancy in days as opposed to weeks or months. Wow... time flies when you're having fun.

Although, I must admit, the last couple weeks have been anything but fun. Being pregnant has been the best experience of my life (so far), so I don't want to complain. But man, this next month is going to be hard! I guess I've earned it though... considering my pregnancy has been super easy up to this point.

My body is not my own anymore, I can tell you that for sure. Not only does it look completely different, but I have the aches and pains of a woman twice my age. I feel like I develop a new pregnancy symptom every day. Perhaps the most debilitating is this pinching of the sciatic nerve in my left lower back. Never before have I had to literally prop myself up while trying to put on a pair of pants. Just walking can prove to be a major challenge. I'm trying different stretches and applying heat packs when the pain really flairs up, but I have a feeling this issue isn't going away anytime soon.

Other fun side effects include an arthritic feeling in my hands and feets (that never fully goes away), lactating breasts (that love to catch me off guard) and MAJOR baby brain. I have to literally write everything down if I want to remember it. Wait, what was I talking about?

Ahhh... the joys of becoming a first time mother! Although, when you think about it, all these symptoms are really a rite of passage. It's leading up to the most fantastic experience I believe any woman can have... and that makes it totally worth it!