The Name Game

I'm obsessed with baby names.

I've been combing the web for the perfect name ever since that pregnancy test showed positive. It's something I take very seriously because I believe a person's name can drastically impact their life. I'm proof.

My parents had a lot of confidence to name me "Sunny", because it could have gone horribly wrong. I could have rebelled and turned into some goth chick who only wears black lipstick and combat boots, but instead I embraced it. "Sunny" is a hard name to live up to, but it's one I wouldn't trade for the world. It's uplifting and typically brings a smile to people's face. And it's unusual, which always made me feel special. It was the perfect choice.

You would think this "perfect baby naming gene" would run in the family, but lightning rarely strikes twice... which is probably why I'm having a hard time.

As of now, we don't know if we're having a boy or a girl, but that should change in about a week when we have our next ultrasound. You obviously don't have to know the name when you learn the baby's gender, but it's something I want to determine as quickly as possible. Which means, we need to be thinking about it now.

My husband is convinced we're having a boy, and since we've already decided on a boy's name, he's determined to NOT talk about baby names until he's proven wrong. I have no idea what we're having, but I can't ignore the fact that both my mom and I recently dreamt about having a baby girl.

If this happens, I'd like to be prepared. And so, the name game begins.
Here are my favorites (in no particular order)...

  1. Sadie Marie
    "Sadie" derives from "Sarah", an important biblical name. "Marie" is my middle name.
  2. Emmy Grace
    "Emmys" are important in my line of work. "Grace" is beautiful and biblical.
  3. Saryn Noel
    "Saryn" is a combination of my name and my mom's name "Karen".
    "Noel" is a family name meaning "Christmas".
  4. Eva Scarlet
    "Eva" derives from "Eve", an important biblical name.
    "Scarlet" is a tribute to our favorite football team, The Ohio State Buckeyes!
  5. Lexi Cruz
    "Lexi" is the feminine form of Alexander meaning "man's protector or defender".
    "Cruz" means "cross" in Spanish.
  6. Grace Elizabeth
    Elizabeth means "God's promise", it's also the name of both my grandmothers.
  7. Sage Olivia
    "Sage" means "wisdom". "Olivia" derives from "olive tree", a biblical symbol for peace.

I obviously need some help in narrowing down my choices. I might be opening a HUGE can of worms here... but I'd really like to have your opinion. Which names do you like best and why?