Flying Virgin, While Pregnant

Virgin America Airlines
555 Airport Boulevard
2nd Floor
Burlingame, CA 94010

Dear Virgin,

Wow. I'm impressed. There's not much that could make a pregnant woman happy on a six hour flight from Ft. Lauderdale to San Francisco, but somehow you made it happen.

First let me say, I'm a mac girl. So, the thought of flying the friendly skies in a life-size iPod was very attractive to me. However, my husband schedules all our flights, and we're all about shopping on a budget. Usually, companies offering cutting edge technology with a modern twist jack up their prices, but apparently you don't subscribe to the "Apple" principle.

In fact, your company offered the cheapest flight.
Cheap and attractive? Ahhh, you still my beating heart.

The in-flight entertainment was great. I'm still perplexed at how you're able to offer free satelite TV when all the other airlines are cutting back on their free peanut supply. And speaking of food service, the ability to order your food via the touch screen monitor is absolutely genius! "Food at your fingertips" is every pregnant woman's personal motto.

Although, sometimes enhanced technology can bite you in the butt, as I unfortunately experienced firsthand through your in-flight chatroom. After creating the screen name "HotMama", I proceeded to send a dirty chat message to the handsome man sitting in the seat next to me. I won't dislose the details, but it somehow involved the words "mile high club". After sending the chat, my husband turned to me and said "Babe, you do realize this isn't a private chat and everyone just saw the message you sent me."

Hey, what do you expect from a woman in her second trimester?

Seriously though, even without joining that special club in the sky, we still had a great time.
Thanks for the ride :)

Sunny Gault  (AKA "HotMama")