Get Low. Get Low. Get Low.

I wish I was one of those pregnant women who appears to have accidently swallowed a bowling ball. Oh, how I long to have a round, little tummy perfectly positioned in the middle of my body. Unfortunately, God had other plans.

This baby is so low... I swear it's going to be dragging on the ground by the time our due date arrives!

But the baby's position explains a lot of things. Like, why I was forced to wear maternity pants starting at 10 weeks. There's no way this baby was going to let me button my regular pants. And now, at 17 weeks, I can't even cross my legs when sitting down. Not because of a huge bump, but because I literally feel like I'm crushing the baby (and all my internal organs).

If I were supersticious (and I'm not), I might be convinced that carrying the baby lower meant we were having a boy. I mean, it is one of the most popular pregnancy wives tales out there. But, if I believed that, then I'd also have to worry about black cats, breaking mirrors and walking under ladders.

I do think having a boy would be wonderful... it's what my husband really wants. And we already decided on a boy's name, so at least that would be taken care of. Although, my in-laws already have three grandsons, which makes me think having a girl would also be really nice. Plus, my mom has always wanted a granddaughter.

In the end, it really doesn't matter, because we're getting one or the other. We just want the baby to be healthy, so if resting on my lower organs is the way to do it... so be it!

And as far as the whole penis/vagina thing goes... we should be able to see something in a couple weeks at our next ultrasound.