Our "Baby Band"

It was bound to happen. One minute my feet and ankles looked completely normal, and then the next minute I look down and realize my feet now closely resemble that of a hobbit... minus the hair :)

I guess this is what happens when you hit your third trimester. I was expecting to get bigger, but I didn't realize that "bigger" would also include feet, ankles, hands and fingers... at least, not yet. After all, I still have a two more months to go!

The fact that I can no longer fit in my favorite pair of stiletto heels really doesn't bother me. In fact, I prefer going footloose and fancy free in my flip flops. However, my world was literally turned upside down the day I realized I could no longer wear my wedding ring.

I'm not usually a big jewelry person... but my wedding/engagement ring is my most prized material possession. I absolutely love it. It's a family heirloom piece with diamonds from my husband's grandmother's wedding ring. It's a symbol of two families coming together as one, and it means everything to me. So, when it didn't fit over my chubby little fingers, I was depressed, to say the least. And the idea of not wearing a wedding ring at all while I'm waddling about in public, simply was NOT an option.

That's when we bought our "baby band". As far as I know, the concept is original.

We went to the jewelry store and bought a plain, silver wedding band (at least one size bigger). On the inside, we engraved the words "Our Baby Band" and the year, 2010. The plan is to wear the band during each pregnancy and continue to add the year each baby is born.

I just love the idea.