The "All-Star" Baby Shower!

Ahhh... the sound of swinging bats and fly balls! Players run the bases in hopes of crossing that magical place known as "home plate" and all seems rights with the world.

Growing up, baseball played a huge role in my life. My dad has always loved the sport, in fact, at one point he had dreams of becoming a major league player. And if he couldn't play on the field, he was definitely going to take his daughter to as many games as possible. It was a family event. So, when Ryan and I learned we were having boy, having his baby shower at a baseball stadium seemed like a perfect fit.

And it was....

The Akron Aeros are the minor league baseball team for The Cleveland Indians, the team I grew up watching. And since Akron borders our hometown, the stadium was in a great location for all our guests. We had about 65 of our closest friends and family come to wish Baby Sayer well. It was really great seeing everyone and sharing some great stories. You know, when you live so far away, these trips back home really seem like mini-reunions, and it's so sad when the party ends.

But, at least we have the memories right? (click here for photos)

Thanks to all our friends and family who made this event so special. We had an amazing time and I felt so blessed to have shared it with all of you!