Sayer 2.0, The Baby's Website

Not many babies have their own website before they're even born. But, mine does.

The idea actually came to me about a year ago while producing the web series, Momversation. When discussing baby names, one of the panelists admitted to choosing her baby's name based on whether or not the first and last name was an available URL. I thought the idea was pure genius.

Like it or not, having your own unique website address is incredibly important and will only become more important as more people start using the internet on a regular basis. So, naturally, I would want to ensure my child has that opportunity.

And that's exactly what we did.

Fortunately, our last name is already somewhat unusual, so when you combine it with an unusual first name like "Sunny" or "Sayer", you're pretty much guaranteed to get whatever you want. (Side note: Ryan's name is no longer an available URL. Someone snatched it before I could convince my husband he may want it one day.)

I literally purchased the day our ultrasound revealed we were having a little boy. I created an initial splash page, and a month later, I'm proud to finally launch it and promote it to family and friends.

Right now, the content is mainly about our pregnancy and includes ultrasound photos, nursery updates and blog posts about our experience in becoming new parents. There's also a section detailing information about the baby showers and a link where guests can RSVP online.

Once Sayer is born, I'll adjust the site to focus more on him, and less of us. I hope friends and family will continue to visit and watch him as he continues to grow. When he's older, I'll encourage Sayer to take the reigns and starts creating his own content... like his mom.

I believe in the power of the internet as an effective communication tool. Our immediate family lives on the opposite side of the county, so we definitely experience our fair share of email updates, social networking and skype video calls. I imagine Sayer will do the same, if not more. Sure there are risks involved, but the sooner we educate our children about using the internet responsibly, the better off we'll all be.