Wardrobe Woes

My wardrobe is scary.

And, until recently, I really didn't have the courage or the knowledge to change that. Because, let's face it. The fashion industry seems extremely daunting at times. You see models the size of toothpicks strutting the catwalk in attire too outragious for most Halloween costume parties, and immediately you're left wondering what planet these fashionistas are from. There's a complete disconnect.

But I think that's starting to change. Shows like TLC's What Not To Wear are giving women, like me, the tools (and the confidence) they need be fashionable and still be themselves. Ladies everywhere are learning to embrace their individual body types while making their clothes work for them. Wow! What a concept. I love it.

So, I'm taking matters into my own hands. Rather than waiting for hosts Stacy London and Clinton Kelly to show up at my doorstep, I decided to raid my own closet and start the cleansing process...