Back to School

When I think back on my time spent in high school, I have mixed feelings. There were some great times, for sure. But, for the most part, I was always one step ahead in life. When I was in high school, I was thinking about college, and when I was in college I was thinking about my career. High school was just part of the plan, so I never really viewed it as being special.

Well, fast forward 13 years... and it's a whole new story.

(From left to right) Sunny, Jessica, Robin, Kristen and HoldenI spent much of today reliving high school memories with some of my closest friends. And, I have to admit, it was a lot of fun. Our little trip down memory lane unfolded as we toured the new campus of Tallmadge High School, which was built just in time for last year's school season. It was impressive, to say the least. What's even more impressive is my friend's ability to recall which classes we had together and what topics we had for various projects. Meanwhile, I'm still trying to figure out what I ate for breakfast this morning.

I could have sworn I never took a home ec class in high school, due a bad experience I had in middle school (I failed a cooking assignment because I couldn't turn on the stove). Yet today as we toured the school, my friend Robin told me we not only took the class together, but cooked breakfast in that class every morning!

Houston, we have a problem. I'm beginning to think I have some sort of memory loss when it comes to eating breakfast.

There are plenty of things I do remember though. Like the pep rallies before the big football games, decorating the lockers and hallways for special occasions, campaigning during student elections, rehearsing for school musicals (which by the way, the new high school has an AMAZING new auditorium) and scheduling study hall during last period so I could leave school early.

Oh, and my teachers... they made a big difference.

Mrs Harrington (my guidance counselor)
Mrs. Franks (my Spanish teacher)
Mrs. Olex (my history teacher, and fellow dancer)

In fact, all three of these teachers attended my wedding. Of course, all three of them also taught my husband who also attended the same high school. Small world, huh? Actually my husband was also president of the home ec club, which fully proves the theory that opposites attract, at least on some level.

My friends, my husband, our lifestyle... it's amazing how much of an impact high school had on my life, without me even knowing it.

And so today, as the freshman class wraps up their orientation at their new school, I can't help but wonder what's going through their heads. Do they have any idea of the experience they're about to begin? Will it be life changing? Will they eventally tour the halls of Tallmadge High School reliving childhood memories with their friends?

I hope so. It was special.