Living in the Moment

It seems like I'm never satisfied.

I'm sitting here at my computer, waiting for Final Cut Pro (my editing software) to finish rendering an episode so I can finally go to bed. Each minute seems like an eternity. And all I can think is "Honestly, this is taking forever!"

It was a different story earlier today when I was shooting some video for a new web project. Despite my tight schedule, the wind was not cooperating. And since I wasn't going for the "look at me, I'm in a wind tunnel" effect, I had to stop taping and wait my turn. And all I could think was... "Man, I need more time."

Sunny, make up your mind.

Photo By Zen

Living in the moment is a concept most people struggle with, including me. And it's so silly because the fact that we're simply alive- and more importantly, full of life- is such an amazing accomplishment.

It's a shame it takes an unexpected death for me to finally wake up and realize what I've been missing.