And Baby Makes Three...

Today is my husband's birthday. As a gift, I'm giving him one of the biggest presents of his life: 8-9 months with a live-in designated driver. Yep, that's right, we're pregnant! Goodbye beers and hello morning sickness! :)

Seriously though, words cannot express how happy we are! As many of you know, this baby took a lot of planning and patience. We had been trying for over a year without much success, so this is truly a blessing (and a great birthday present... I might add)!

We don't have an exact due date yet, but the baby is expected sometime in late July 2010, which makes me about five weeks pregnant. We haven't had an official baby ultrasound yet, but Lord knows the fertility doctors performed enough sonograms in the past... so we decided to take the most recent one and just add the baby.

Of course, I will be blogging and videoblogging about our whole experience. Be sure to visit my website for updates! Just click on the "pregnancy" section on the left side to see the latest posts.