Evening the Score: Boys 2, Girls 2

The countdown began the moment I peed on the stick and learned I was pregnant. With each week that passed, I became more and more nervous about the mid pregnancy ultrasound which would likely tell us if we were carrying a boy or a girl. As the mother of two young boys, I was desperately hoping for a little girl. And I had one more shot to make it happen.

In early June, a routine first trimester screening ultrasound gave us some surprising (and absolutely wonderful) news. We learned we were pregnant with identical twins, so we were having either two boys or two girls. After the initial shock wore off, I realized this news put even MORE pressure on me for future ultrasounds. It was double or nothing. And so we waited...

One of the perks to having twins are all the ultrasounds you have throughout your pregnancy. I realize not all moms are fans of ultrasounds, but for me, they verify everything is running smoothly and it gives me a glimpse of the little beings who will soon drastically change my life. I love it.

Since I was having ultrasounds every couple weeks, I stopped worrying about the mid pregnancy ultrasound. Suddenly, every appointment was nerve wracking to me. Who knows what my OB/GYN would see at each sneak peak. Would I be prepared for the news?

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OMG! We're Expecting Twins!


June 13, 2013 is a day I will never forget.

Everything started out normal. I got up, checked email, woke up the boys and we started about our day. My husband came home early from work so I could go to a routine ultrasound - or so I thought. For both my prior pregnancies, I have opted for the first trimester pre-screening test which determines the level of probability your unborn child has down syndrome, trisomy 18 and trisomy 21. It involves some blood work and an ultrasound. Easy enough. I'm all for non-invasive procedures to diagnose baby's health.

I typically really enjoy this ultrasound because the baby is small enough to move around quite a bit, yet you still can't feel a thing. So, the whole experience is pretty surreal. Unfortunately, I don't remember 90% of what happened during the appointment.

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