Shhh...Don't Tell (until your second trimester)

There's something that's really bugging me, and if it's bothering me then it's probably affecting other pregnant women out there. So, let's just talk about it.

Discovering you're pregnant in itself is an amazing, life-changing experience. And your decision to immediately tell other people or to wait is a very personal decision, based on many factors. You simply have to weigh all your options and choose based on what's best for you and your family. People should respect that decision regardless of whether or not they agree with it.

We chose to tell our family and friends right away. We literally called our parents the moment the results of my blood work were released. A few moments later, I texted the news to my best friends, and then later that night I wrote about it on my blog.

I was five weeks pregnant at the time.

At five weeks pregnant, I was still in the "red zone". Meaning, the odds of complications resulting in a miscarriage were greater. This is why many couples choose to wait until their second trimester to share the good news. You know, just in case.

Well, I have never been a big fan of statistics. Generally speaking, I make decisions from the heart, rather than probability. My heart tells me everything is going to be fine, so I have no fear about possible complications. What frustrates me is when other people impose that fear upon you. I've had this happen a few times within the last week, usually from acquaintances who have experienced their own complications during pregnancy.

Could it happen? Yes. However, 85% of pregnancies turn out perfectly fine. If you're doing everything possible to ensure a healthy pregnancy, then why worry about something you have absolutely no control over? The added stress can actually create more problems, because that can impact your baby.

For me personally, telling family and friends right away was a no-brainer. We had been trying for a long time, so many of those people were already on this journey with us. And if my pregnancy experienced complications, I would need all of them by my side for support.

Whatever decision you make is right, because it's what's best for you. Just keep in mind every pregnancy is different, and what happened to you isn't necessarily going to happen to someone else.

In the end, we all just need to stay positive.