Christmas Card Outtakes

When it comes to Christmas cards, I personally think you should give the type of cards you enjoy receiving. It kinda goes along with that whole "Golden Rule" thing.

I'm a visual person, so our cards are always a family photo accompanied by a newsletter, in which we update friends and family on what's happened in our lives during the last year. And since our lives aren't always that exciting, we throw in some humor in hopes of people actually reading it.

For this year's photo, we decided to take some self-portraits at South Coast Winery in Temecula. That's a nice way of saying we were too cheap to hire a professional photographer. Instead, our photo taking process consisted me framing the shot on the tripod, and then running into the picture at the last minute, usually laughing hysterically.

Here are some of our favorite outakes that didn't make final cut....

Our official photo and newsletter are coming to a mailbox near you.... sometime next week!