Pedicures and Pregnancy

Pedicures are very important, especially for pregnant women who are carrying around an extra 20-50 lbs of baby weight.

Now, for those of you who have never been to a nail salon before, they're somewhat similar to hair salons. Both are great opportunities for women to bare their souls and talk about everything that's going on in their life.

For me, I'm usually asked about my career, my marriage and then about kids. Which, until now, has always been an awkward conversation considering I didn't have any. For some reason, they always wanted to know why.

However, things went a little differently at my last appointment.

Telling another woman I was pregnant, sparked a whole other conversation about pregnancy, delivery and raising kids. I've had these conversations before, but for the first time, someone spoke to me as if I were already a mother. And it felt great.

To top it off, she proceeded to paint little blue flowers on my pink-colored toes...
because that's what moms do.