My Affair with Facebook

Dearest Facebook,

We've only known each other for a short time, yet I feel so close to you. You're always there to listen. I love that you always want to know what I'm doing, even if it may be insignificant. It's almost like you know what I thinking before I even say it. Like the other day, when you recommended other "people I may know". How sweet! Some sites can be completely controlling, but not you. You even help me stay in touch with some of my best friends, and they love you for it. In fact, they talk about you all the time.

I know I haven't introduced you to my parents yet. It will happen in time, I promise. It's a complicated situation. I'm their baby and you're exposing me to the world. You're just very different to them. I mean, they're still getting used to using the computer and sending regular emails. It will happen someday, you just need to be patient. I'm sure they will love you just as much as I do.

You know, I have so much fun when I'm with you. We've been spending a lot of time together lately, scrolling through photo albums and videos and making the silliest comments. I finally feel like I can be myself. Which is why I'd like to take our relationship to the next level. I was hoping you'd move in with me. I mean, as an application on my blackberry. I know this is a big step, but think about it. We wouldn't need the laptop to monitor our every move. We'll have access to each other 24/7. Isn't that great? Well, I understand you need some time to think it over.

Until then, my love...

Sunny (AKA profile.php?id=604624121)

PS. Sorry about that brief fling with MySpace. One minute he wants to be my friend, and the next minute he's whoring himself to sluts and mass marketers. Oh, and don't worry about Twitter. He's half the site you are. In fact, I hear he has a tiny app.