The "MommyVan" Has Arrived!

Wow. Four years ago, I remember making the bold statement that I would NEVER own a minivan. The simple thought of hopping in a car built for a caravan (after putting on my mom jeans) just did not sit well with me. 

Never say never.


After years of picking up my kids to put them in the car, and secretly cursing cars that parked too close for me to open the doors of our Ford Escape, we have finally decided to fess up and admit that we were wrong. Way wrong.

Minivans are not the devil, surprisingly. I'll admit, they're not the most fashionable car, but they are cost-effective and convenient. And, the older I get (and the more kids I have), the more practicality trumps all other options. 

The truth is, I love this wagon on wheels. And so do my kids.

Life is more simple. And for that Honda, I am truly thankful. 


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