Sayer's Baby Dedication

I’ve been baptized twice in my life. Once as an infant, and then once when I was 25 years old, shorty after reaffirming my faith. My second baptism meant so much more. First of all, I actually remembered it. But, most importantly, the second baptism was my choice. It was my personal and public affirmation of my commitment to Christ.

Having learned all this, it has always been my desire to have my babies “dedicated” as opposed to being “baptized”. Don’t get me wrong. Baptism is extremely important in the Christian faith, but I believe it’s a choice that each person needs to make on his own. And in the meantime, we as parents, need to guide and lead our children to the very best of our abilities. We dedicate our babies to God out of humility, because we know we can’t do it without Him.

We decided to have Sayer’s baby dedication at my parent’s church while we were home for the holidays. It was wonderful to have our family there to celebrate this important moment in his life.