Professional Baby Model

As parents of a four month old baby, we just couldn’t be more pleased. Sayer has FINALLY started contributing the family financially. We gave him a grace period of four months, you know, just so he could get on his feet, but we’re glad to see him starting to pull his own weight around here.

Seriously though, we were really excited when he was hired for his first professional photo shoot, and the money had nothing to do with it. I guess you just feel a sense of accomplishment when complete strangers want to take pictures of your baby, and they think other people would enjoy them too. You want to say “yep, I created that” (as you pat yourself on the back).

Overall, I think Sayer did a great job. There were tons of babies there and he seemed to be really well behaved, comparatively. He did cry a couple times, probably because there were so many new people around, but I think they got some good shots.