Becoming a Yogi (and a hot one too!)

I'm obsessed with hot yoga.
Either you love it or you hate it. Most people don't even know what it is...

My yoga mat, purchased at Sports Chalet for $25Hot Yoga is a blend of several different yoga styles including Bikram, Ashtanga, Vinyasa and Power Yoga. Oh, and I almost forgot, it takes place in a room set to 105 degrees. Small detail. For some, this may seem like cruel and unusual punishment. However, it's one of the most gratifying experiences I have each day.

I have to admit, I had many preconceived notions about becoming a yogi. It doesn't quite fit my natural personality. I thrive on intense situations with high drama. Taking an hour each day to relax while "alligning my spirit with my soul", sounds like a routine reserved for extremists who spend their days eating granola and hugging trees. But, you can't argue with the benefits.

For the ladies, hot yoga is a great way to eliminate our typical "problem" areas. More specifically, the lower gut, butt, hips and thighs. Yoga is all about breathing while holding specific postures, using your own body weight as resistance. Most of the postures focus on those problem areas.

The main benefit of hot yoga is the cleansing process. The heat allows for a deeper workout by warming your muscles and flushing toxins from all of your organs, including the skin. As your body begins to sweat (and you will sweat, a lot), your body regenerates itself relieving stress.

It's definitely worth trying. And if you do, here are some tips I've learned a long the way...

  • Buy a yoga mat that makes you happy. Seriously. You will be staring at this mat, while holding uncomfortable positions and sweating profusely. You need something to lift your spirit.
  • Wear as few clothes as possible. This isn't meant to be sexy. This is crucial to avoid overheating.
  • Drink lots of water. I drink one bottle before practice, two bottles during class, and one afterward.
  • Bring towels. A large towel goes over the yoga mat to prevent slipping. A small towel allows you to wipe your face and other body parts to better hold your postures.
  • Do not attempt yoga while hungover. Yeah. Not my finest moment.
  • Attend the first yoga class of the day. Unless you enjoy wallowing in other people's sweat.
  • Listen to your body. Don't try to immitate Gumby. Everyone's body is different and your own body has different limitations each day. Just concentrate on yourself.
  • Plan to rest afterward. Your body will be exhausted, so take a nap or go to bed early.
  • Get a second job. Cause this sh*t is expensive!
