Becoming an Expert...

It's interesting. I'm working on a new project with some industry friends who I have grown to respect and admire. I love the collaboration process, the only drawback is it requires me to think, act and portray myself as an online video expert. It may seem odd, but this is a completely new concept for me.

My background in news has obviously taught me likewise. News anchors and reporters aren't experts. They don't tell you what's right and wrong, instead they interview the experts and then let you decide. Looking back, I can see this same mentality in my online video work. "Viral" allowed me to interview the top internet producers and personalities and share their experiences with the world. Through "L.A. New Media", I'm establishing a platform for new media creators where they can continue to share ideas and grow as a community. Even when I speak at conferences, I'm always asking people what they think. I rarely provide my own personal opinion. But now, I'm the expert. People will counting on me to give them the best advice.

This new project is definitely a challenge for me, but it's taught me something very important. As online content creators, we should never underestimate the knowledge we have. We are pioneers in a practically untapped medium. And soon, the whole world will want a piece of our little pond. This puts us in a very powerful position, and we shouldn't take it for granted.